kissing in the rain
kissing in the rain!
So could kissing in the rain be the most magical, romantic experience you will ever want to do or is kissing in the rain just something from the movies, which once experienced is a short fall of all expectations?
kissing in the rain!
After reading various romantic novels and tons of movies I always wondered what it would be like and how the experience of kissing in the rain would feel. So you're walking down the street, beautiful summers afternoon or evening hand in hand with the girl of your dreams. Without warning it starts to rain and you are caught without your man size umbrella, what do you do? Run for shelter, hold the plastic bag over your head and take a photo looking absolutely ridiculous then only to put it up on Facebook or do you stand there and go for the special, once in a life time kiss in the rain?
kissing in the rain!
Romance philosophies have been spoken of since the beginning of mans existence. 'Kissing in the rain' the perfect romantic moment has been subconsciously embedded throughout our past times, in pictures, movies and books. So is this just a perception of how love is proposed or is kissing in the rain something every guy and girl enjoys.
kissing in the rain!
If we look into the group on Facebook 'Kissing In The Rain' as of now 300,000 people like this and with which is a site to list all of your wishes and goals, things to do before you die. The site has thousands of people who want to try kissing in the rain, but still have not experienced it. Predictably a lot of these people are women, which could mean that in turn if you guys are looking to be remembered or become someone special, you could use this moment to a pivotal advantage.
kissing in the rain!
This does not mean though that they will do kissing in the rain with just any guy. The idea of having such perfect moment that these girls are openly putting the idea online, means they will want the 'kissing in the rain' concept to be spontaneous and romantic with that special guy, which they will then always remember.
kissing in the rain!
Personally, I love kissing in the rain. I'm a guy and I don't mind getting wet, but from a general perspective of a girl, most of them hate the thought of getting their hair wet, so maybe the real truth is that they just like the fantasy dream of experiencing it and the big excitement of telling their friends.
As a story gets told and remembered, it's just natural to only remember the good bits and like any good story is the name behind it and the guy who made it all happen. This will then be one of them life long goals you will both get to cross off your list and then you'll finally be able to say you enjoyed kissing in the rain.
Leading on from this idea of things to try you may like kissing in the snow or our related articles like 25 Different Kissing Techniques.